Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.

Live from Emmet’s Place

West Lafayette, IN

“We need to play music to be ourselves--to heal people,” says jazz pianist Emmet Cohen from his Harlem apartment during the COVID shutdown--and he means it.