Convos Piano Giving Circle
Photo by Dr Michael Seretny
The Convos Piano Giving Circle brings together the Friends of Convocations who believe in the importance of making live piano music performances regularly available in our community. By pooling resources, the Circle will have a profound impact, making it possible to program world-class piano performances at affordable ticket prices.
Having been the primary beneficiary of the gift of a new Steinway concert grand instrument in 2015, Purdue Convocations has re-ignited its investigation of piano-based repertoire. With the opportunities that an extraordinary instrument affords, our goal is to showcase the instrument and its divergent repertoire across the genres and formats (classical recitals, chamber music, orchestral concerti, jazz ensembles, contemporary music, and more) while generating the support to make these expressions possible.
The establishment of the Convos Piano Giving Circle will allow donors to make dedicated gifts to provide restricted support of piano programming, outreach, research, and maintenance. This fund will afford Convos the confidence and capacity to program piano-based repertoire, inviting the world’s greatest artists to our stages and communities well into the future.
In order to build a strong base for a powerful Giving Circle, Friends of Convocations Robert B. and Patricia Peyton Truitt have provided a $50,000 matching gift challenge. The Truitts will match, dollar for dollar, all new gifts and pledges designated to the Convos Piano Giving Circle with a goal of raising $100,000 in the inaugural year.
We invite you to join this circle of donors in support of world-class piano programming. Membership begins at $1,000.
*The Director of Purdue Convocations or the Director’s designee shall determine how the available revenue shall be used to fulfill this purpose. The fund will be administered in accordance with applicable University policies.