Youth Series FAQs

If you have more questions, please email us at

General Youth Series Information

How much are student matinee tickets?

The 2024-2025 student matinee ticket cost is $8 per student. Please see the Chaperone Policy below for the chaperone costs.

What happens when I submit my registration?

Upon submitting your reservation, you will be sent an invoice/confirmation via email from our education manager. If you have not received this invoice/confirmation within 72 hours of submitting your registration, please check your junk folder or email the education manager at

Purdue Convocations cannot be held responsible for lost/misdirected emails or mail.

Please note the following about your reservation:

  • Final seat count is due six weeks prior to the performance date. We can add additional seats to your reservation as room allows. If the request is to lower your seat count, please note, we will not be able to reimburse you if payment has already been made and posted.
  • Payment is due six weeks prior to the performance date. If payment cannot be made by the due date, a written request must be submitted to prior to the due date.
  • Reservations submitted less than four weeks before the performance date will be invoiced with payment due immediately.
  • Reservations not paid in full by the due date will be cancelled, unless a written request was submitted and approved.

How do I make a payment?

Payments can be made by check or money order only. NO cash or credit cards will be accepted. Please mail payments to:

Purdue Convocations
ATTN: Youth Series – ELLT 136
712 Third Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Are there accessibility services provided?

Yes. Please note any accessibility concerns on your reservation. We currently are able to provide accessibility for:

  • Wheelchair accessible seating+
  • Difficulty with stairs
  • Sign language interpretation*
  • Hearing assistance devices+
  • Seating for visually impaired+

+Please include how many students/adults will require these services as resources and space are limited.

*Please note we need at least 60 days notice in order to provide ASL services.

How long do student matinee shows run?

All of our student matinees run 50-60 minutes.

What time should I arrive?

Plan to arrive at the venue 30 minutes before the show begins. If you encounter an unforeseen delay and will be late, please contact our education manager at or by calling 765.494.0242 immediately.

What is the location/address for the student matinee?

You can find a campus map here.

Loeb Playhouse and Fowler Hall are located in Stewart Center (128 Memorial Mall, West Lafayette) which is listed as STEW on the map.

Elliott Hall (712 Third Street, West Lafayette) is listed as ELLT on the campus map.

How do I make changes or cancel my reservation?

To make any changes to your registration or to cancel, please message our education manager at Be sure to include the following:

  • Name and date of performance attending
  • Name of School
  • Main Teacher Contact
  • Updates and changes needed for your reservation – examples:
    • Update the number of attendees to your reservation. Please note:  
      • We are only be able to increase the number of attendees to your reservation as space allows.
      • We can only accept a decrease in numbers IF it is made six weeks prior to the performance date.
    • Notification of reservation cancellation. We can only accept a cancellation IF it is made six weeks prior to the performance date, and a reason for the cancellation must be provided with the request.
    • Payment cannot be made by due date. Please notify the approximate date it will be in the mail.

By sending this email you understand that this agreement is final, may not be revised, and will hold seats you have reserved.

Refunds cannot be issued after the payment due date unless the Special Cancellation Policy applies.

What if my payment will be late?  

To advise of payment delay, please message our education manager at Be sure to include the following:

  • Name and date of performance attending
  • Name of School
  • Main Teacher Contact
  • When we can expect to receive payment

Seating Assignments

Seating assignments are based on the age of students, special needs, and timely payment. They are not on the date a registration is made. To accommodate all patrons, we reserve the right to determine seating arrangements.

Special Cancellation Policy

In the case of school delays/closings due to inclement weather or special circumstances, we may attempt to adjust a performance time or offer to transfer your payment to another performance.  For the safety of your students, if there are no other options, Purdue Convocations may choose to offer your class/group a refund.

Public School FAQs

How do I opt-in to the Youth Series communications?

You can subscribe here or contact our education manager at

What information do I need for registration?

  • School Name
  • Contact information for the main teacher contact and transportation contact
  • Number of students and the grade levels they are in
  • Number of teachers/chaperones – see chaperone policy for details
  • Provide emails for all teachers attending. This helps us help you by not needing to worry about forwarding matinee information, and it provides us and you a backup contact in the case of an emergency from either end.
  • Number of buses you will be arriving on
  • Advise if you would like your school to be considered for a scholarship

Chaperone Policy and Pricing

Due to the limited seating in our venues, and to maximize the number of students able to attend our programs, we have a strict 10 to 1 chaperone policy – 10 students to 1 chaperone. For every 10 students, your school will receive a complimentary chaperone ticket. We consider a chaperone to be any adult attending the show with your school which can include teachers, administrators, aides, bus drivers, or chaperones.

If you require additional chaperones beyond the 10 to 1 policy, each additional chaperone will be charged $20.

If you require additional adults to accommodate needs of individual students, a written request must be submitted to

Bus drivers may attend the performance but will need to be back at their buses immediately following the performance. Reminder that if they attend, they will be counted as one of your chaperones. If they do not attend, we do ask that they provide their cell number to their main contact within your group in the case the bus needs to move prior to dismissal.

For the safety of our school groups, ALL adults attending as chaperones MUST arrive with their group.

If a student is unable to attend, please do not bring an adult in their place.

Scholarship Opportunities – How do I apply? If I receive, how do I redeem? 

Yes. Our scholarship program provides a limited number of partial scholarships for tickets and/or transportation to schools with demonstrated economic need. Awards are based on the percentage of free/reduced lunches for which your school is eligible. 

If you would like your school to be considered for a Youth Series scholarship opportunity, please check yes on the registration form and provide an approximate transportation cost. Both needs will go under review, and you will be notified of the ticket and/or transportation scholarship when you receive your registration confirmation and invoice.

Your ticket scholarship will come off your amount due, and no further action will need to be completed.

To redeem your transportation scholarship, please email the following information no later than two weeks following the performance – your transportation invoice with a breakdown of charges (driver, fuel, etc.), name of the school, the grade(s) that attended, the show attended, and a mailing address for the school/corporation. Upon receipt, we will have a check issued and mailed to the address provided.

Requests are considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Bus Parking

Parking information will be emailed to you and your transportation coordinator a couple of weeks prior to the performance. Instructions must be followed exactly to accommodate all schools. Please note:

  • Purdue University Police Department will be on scene to answer all parking questions as well as ensure all arrive safely.
  • Bus drivers may attend the performance with their school group as a counted chaperone (see Chaperone Policy) provided they are back on their buses immediately following the show. 
  • All drivers must provide teachers with a cell phone number where they can be reached during a performance, in the event a bus may need to be moved prior to dismissal.

Home School FAQs

Important Information

Due to the limited seating in our venues, and to maximize the number of students able to attend our programs, we have the following restrictions for homeschool groups and families.

  • There are no complimentary tickets for home school groups/families
  • One parent per household may attend at the student ticket price. When reserving your tickets, please include parent in “Number of Attendees”.
  • All children attending matinee programs, regardless of age, must pay for admission.
  • No Exceptions – Individual home school groups must make a reservation as part of a larger group.
  • For the safety of our school and homeschool groups, ALL adults attending as chaperones MUST arrive with their group.
  • If a student is unable to attend, please do not bring an adult in their place.

What information do I need for registration?

  • Name of homeschool group or co-op
  • Contact information for the main contact
  • Number of attendees – please include all students and adults – see chaperone policy for details
    • This number should also include any children who will sit on a parents lap as we must know the exact number of attendees in case of an emergency
  • Advise if your group has any accessibility needs

Where should we park?

Campus map can be found here.

Day passes for parking can be found here.

Attending a show at Loeb Playhouse, we recommend parking at the Grant Street Parking Garage which is listed as PGG on the map. You can purchase a day pass prior to your arrival, or use the hourly parking which you can pay for on the first-floor lobby of the garage.

Attending a show at Elliott Hall, we recommend parking at the University Street Parking Garage which is listed as PGU on the map. You must have a day pass to park here or will need to park at Grant Street Parking Garage (see above for details).

Day passes can be purchased online by visiting the Parking Portal. Once you are logged in, click the button marked “Get Permits”. On the pop-up window, click “Purchase a New Permit”. Then “Next”. You want the “Visitor Permit”. Select your date (both the Effective Date and the Expiration Date need to be picked), then click “Next”. Once you verify your cart you will check out and be on your way.

What is the location/address for the student matinee?

You can find a campus map here.

Loeb Playhouse and Fowler Hall are located in Stewart Center (128 Memorial Mall, West Lafayette) which is listed as STEW on the map.

Elliott Hall (712 Third Street, West Lafayette) is listed as ELLT on the campus map.