Del Water Gap: MARCH 29  

Priority Points

Friends of Convocations are seated for all Convos performances using the Priority Point System.

Check Your Points

The purpose of the Priority Point System is to acknowledge individual Friends of Convocations for both their loyalty and their financial support. Friends receive credit each year in the form of points for their cumulative giving, consecutive years of membership, and for their Pick 5 purchases.

During the seating process, all Friends of Convocations receive a point total and ranking. Ticket orders are placed in rank order, highest to lowest, and tickets are assigned on a show-by-show basis. If more than one household of Friends wishes to be seated together, an average of the two priority point totals is taken to determine the applicable seating rank.

As seats are assigned, personal preferences are taken into account using Seating Preferences Forms, which is submitted along with each ticket order. A “same seat” location for every performance ordered during the season is not guaranteed.


  • Priority seating is not available for Student Concert Committee performances.
  • Priority points are calculated on an annual basis before seating patrons each new season. Priority points are also updated each time a gift is made during the year.
  • Priority points for loyalty are earned annually and accumulate with each year of Friends membership. Loyalty points are gained only through consecutive years of membership and can be lost if membership is not maintained.
  • Friends of Convocations privileges and priority points may not be shared between households and are only transferable to a surviving spouse.
  • Priority points for payroll deduction gifts are added on a monthly basis as contributions are received by Convocations.
  • Tickets purchased as part of a Pick 5 series that are returned for a contribution/tax credit do not accrue additional priority points.
  • Friends of Convocations will receive a priority point update once per year by mail, or check online anytime.