Friends Friday: Sherri Guido

Welcome to Friends Friday! While we are all trying to “flatten the curve” we wanted to highlight different Friends of Convos. In case you’re not aware, Friends of Convos is an influential group of arts supporters who bring world-class performances to our community! Each year, they help bring performances to our community and subsidize tickets for seniors, Purdue students, and P-12 students.
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This week we’re highlighting Friend of Convos Sherri Guido!

Introduce Yourself
I am Sherri Guido, and I have lived in West Lafayette since 1982. I am a graduate of Indiana University with degrees in biology and dental hygiene. I am married to Vince, a dentist, and we have three kids and four grandkids

How has your experience in our community been impacted by Convos? 
Convos, along with other arts organizations, has greatly enhanced living in Purdueland for me. The arts in this community help to make this a wonderful place to live and raise a family.

How did you become a Friend? 
We became Friends after experiencing Cats in the last row of the balcony.  We are also huge fans of jazz and there were always great jazz shows. We felt we could have a better experience and also ensure that the events continued on by becoming Friends and supporters.

What was your favorite show this season and why?
My favorite show this past season was Nassim. I loved the hopeful, inspirational message.  I loved including local artists and another favorite of mine, Civic Theatre. It’s a small world; make friends, love people.

What was your first-ever concert?
My first concert was The Moody Blues- Ravinia-suburban Chicago, probably 1973.