With your help, Convos can earn up to $22,500 extra by participating in challenges. These are simple, social media-based tasks that you can do on April 27th. If you plan to give to Convos during PDOG, splitting your payments into smaller gifts will help us. The more gifts we receive, even if from the same person, the more money that we can win from the Meet the Challenge Competition. Note that the minimum gift size for PDOG is $10. For example, if you want to donate $50 on PDOG, giving five $10 gifts would help us in this challenge. Even if you are making a larger gift, breaking up your payment into smaller increments will allow us to crush this challenge.

1:00amIf the 50th original tweet after 1am includes #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving,
Convos gets an extra $500!
Check out some example tweets you can use here.
Remember that you can tweet multiple times to help us win, but the tweets should be different.
Every post must include #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving
Make sure your account is public and not private.
10:00amIf the 50th original tweet after 10am includes #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving,
Convos gets an extra $500!
Check out some example tweets you can use here.
Remember that you can tweet multiple times to help us win, but the tweets should be different.
Every post must include #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving
Make sure your account is public and not private.
11:00amPost the most unique photo with the PDoG logo, #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving between 11am-noon and get an extra $1,000 for Convos!
To print your logo click here.
Post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and make sure to set your posts to public.
12:00pmPost the most creative PDoG Selfie, #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving
between noon-1pm and get an extra $1,000 for Convos!

Post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and make sure to set your posts to public.
1:00pmIf the 50th original tweet after 1pm includes #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving,
Convos gets an extra $500!
Check out some example tweets you can use here.
Remember that you can tweet multiple times to help us win, but the tweets should be different.
Every post must include #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving
Make sure your account is public and not private.
4:00pmPower Hour: Random Faculty/Staff Donor

If you are Purdue Faculty/Staff and plan on making a gift, please give during this hour to give Convos a chance to win $500!
Split up your gift into $10 increments during Power Hour to give Convos more chances to win!
6:00pmIf the 50th original tweet after 6pm includes #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving,
Convos gets an extra $500!
Check out some example tweets you can use here.
Remember that you can tweet multiple times to help us win, but the tweets should be different.
Every post must include #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving
Make sure your account is public and not private.
6:00pmPower Hour:
Random First Time Donor

If you are planning on giving for the first time, please give during this hour to give Convos a chance to win $500!
Split up your gift into $10 increments during Power Hour to give Convos more chances to win!
7:00pmPost the most creative picture of your kid(s) in Purdue gear on Twitter or Instagram from 7pm-8pm. Make sure to include #PurdueDayofGiving and #PurdueConvos.$1,000
8:00pmPost the most creative picture of your pet(s) in Purdue gear on Twitter or Instagram from 8pm-9pm. Make sure to include #PurdueDayofGiving and #PurdueConvos.$1,000
10:00pmIf the 50th original tweet after 10pm includes #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving,
Convos gets an extra $500!
Check out some example tweets you can use here.
Remember that you can tweet multiple times to help us win, but the tweets should be different.
Every post must include #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving
Make sure your account is public and not private.
ALL DAY CHALLENGEI GAVE CHALLENGE: Most creative social post using the Sharing Feature from the Thank You Email or Confirmation Page.
After making a gift online, click the social media links on the confirmation page to share why you support Convos. Don't forget to include #IGave, #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving in your post.
6 bonuses of $500 each

*Remember that you can tweet multiple times to help us win, but the tweets should be different. Example posts can be found here. Every post or tweet must include #PurdueConvos and #PurdueDayofGiving. Make sure your account is set to public and not private.

What do past winners look like? Take a look!

PDOG creative photo PDOG creative photo PDOG creative photo PDOG creative photo